sexta-feira, 11, out, 2024


Kevin Smith encontrou o “coração” em Batman vs Superman na segunda vez que assistiu

Não foi na primeira. Mas Kevin Smith encontrou o “coração” de Batman vs Superman: A Origem da Justiça na segunda vez que assistiu o filme. Num post do Instagram, Smith compartilhou uma foto dele com Jay Mewes no set de Flash, acompanhada com uma segunda análise do filme.

Meta-Mewes! The folks at @cwtheflash were kind enough to include a cameo for my hetero life mate @jaymewes in the episode of #TheFlash I directed. As a longtime lover of everything that ever aired on @thecw, Jay was ecstatic to have scripted lines in one of his favorite shows (plus, he got to visit the @cw_arrow sets across the lot). But I also found an opportunity to sneak #jaymewes into another scene as well – this time as a masked super villain. And even though he had no lines as the Meta and is unrecognizable, THIS was the role that reduced him to tears. I’ve seen #JayMewes cry twice in my life: one time it was about the birth of his only begotten daughter, the other time was after he wrapped his super villain bit on #TheFlash. Jay gave me a huge hug and said “You made my dream come true, Moves.” You see, Jay never planned for @jayandsilentbob; while he certainly inspired the cinematic duo, it was never his dream to play Jay in the movies – it was just something that happened to him. But this boy LOVES his comic books – so much so that I’ve never heard him say he’s ever read a bad comic book (and I know for a fact he went deep on the I’ll-fated @marvel “New Universe” titles back in the day). He doesn’t dissect superhero material, he just consumes. Analyzing is for academics: Jay’s just there to see his heroes come to life. So to thank me for sneaking him into the @dccomics universe, Jay took me to see @batmanvsuperman again (my second time, his first). I liked the flick more on my second viewing (see 1 hour review on my #KevinSmith #youtube channel). I’d said the film didn’t have any heart, but after the second viewing, I actually found the heart in #batmanvsuperman: it’s in the viewer. And the viewer I watched the blockbuster with the second time was all agog, eyes as big as saucers. During the Knightmare sequence, we shared a moment that even elevated the flick for me: when the winged New Gods nasties attack #Batman and take him down, Jay (age 40) & I (age 45) simultaneously looked at one another and whispered reverently “ParaDemons.” It was a beautiful moment shared by two lifelong fanboys who were delighted to see their childhood flash before their eyes.

A photo posted by Kevin Smith (@thatkevinsmith) on

Destacamos a parte abaixo da análise:

Eu disse que o filme não tinha nenhum “coração”, mas depois de assisti-lo pela segunda vez, eu encontrei o coração de #batmanvcsuperman: Está no espectador. E o espectador com quem eu assisti o filme dessa vez estava vidrado, olhos do tamanho de uma bola de golfe. Durante a cena do Pesadelo, compartilhamos um momento que ainda elevou a empolgação em mim: quando os Novos Deuses com asas atacam #Batman, Jay (40 anos) e eu (45 anos) olhamos um para o outro e sussurramos: “ParaDemons”. Foi um momento bonito entre dois fãs de longa data que estavam encantados com os flashes de sua infância bem na frente de seus olhos
Não digo que não temos que ser críticos. Mas poderíamos nos deixar levar por essa “magia”, vocês não acham?

Primeiro Batman antes de Bruce Wayne. Extrovertido e sem graça. Uma mistura de piadas ruins e clichês, e um senso de humor gigante para rir delas. Editor chefe do GeekSaw. Apaixonado pela "Bigscreen" e por tudo que é novidade.

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